No, sending an email request does not automatically mean the request or excuse is approved. Email requests are called "requests" because you are asking for something. Read the reply to determine if it is: 🟢 Approved. The email is proper…
Schedule your job and personal activities around the exam dates and/or schedule of your enrolled subjects, not vice versa. As a responsible student who had enrolled in the course for a given schedule, if something is preventing you from studying, th…
These forms of documentation may be attached to letters of request for activities sent via email. 1️⃣ Medical notes on official letterhead and/or university memos. ▶ It must be signed by a licensed medical practitioner ▶ It must be on official let…
Legitimate Emergencies or Reasons Inability to accomplish class activities due to: 1️⃣ Legitimate emergencies may include but is not limited serious illness, hospitalization or death in the close family. 2️⃣ Mental health-related concerns which m…