Is my request / excuse from being absent from class automatically approved if I send an email?
No, sending an email request does not automatically mean the request or excuse is approved.
Email requests are called "requests" because you are asking for something.
Read the reply to determine if it is:
🟢 Approved. The email is properly written and supporting documents are complete
🟡 Pending. The email is received outside class hours and a reply will be given during class hours or during class shift.
🟡 Pending. The email is not properly written and/or has supporting documents missing/lacking
🔴 Duplicate. The email is a copy of a previously received email. The reply will be sent via the original thread. Note that duplicating emails does not expedite replies and only creates spam.
🔴 Denied. This means the request is not granted.
What are examples of unacceptable excuses?
Schedule your job and personal activities around the exam dates and/or schedule of your enrolled subjects, not vice versa.
As a responsible student who had enrolled in the course for a given schedule, if something is preventing you from studying, then consider taking to the guidance office staff or the college dean for counseling, and/or taking the course later.
Most unacceptable excuses are related to scheduling conflicts or poor planning, such as:
▶ “My boss needed me to come in early (or stay late) at work” - exam dates shown on this syllabus will not change; therefore, inform your boss well in advance that you will need to be on campus during these times
▶ “I have work during the class” - that's a schedule conflict – not an emergency. It is your responsibility to check that your enrolled subjects and work schedule do not conflict in schedules.
▶ “I will be out of town that day” – that’s a schedule conflict – not an emergency
▶ “I have an event to attend” – that’s another schedule conflict – not an emergency
▶ “I wasn’t feeling well” [without a medical certificate or validated letter from a parent/guardian] - we all have days when we aren’t feeling 100%; if you are feeling bad enough, then go to a medical clinic to get an excuse at some point before you return to class next time
▶ “My Grandfather is 95 years old and not doing well” – most 95-year-olds are in frail health: this doesn’t qualify
▶ “The roads were bad, and I couldn’t make it to campus”- I live in the boondocks. So if I can make it to school, you should too (a notable exception exists when the university itself is closed, which is rare)
▶ “There’s traffic” or “My car wouldn’t start” or “My car was in the repair shop” - leave for class early on exam days in case a delay happens; if you cannot drive yourself, take a bus/taxi or ask somebody else for a ride well in advance
▶ “I forgot the exam (or quiz or class) was today” – this lame excuse obviously doesn’t qualify for a makeup exam or quiz or an excuse from the activity.
▶ “I overslept and was not able to attend class and work on the activities” – this is another lame excuse that doesn’t qualify for a makeup exam or quiz or an excuse from the activity.
▶ “I’m doing house chores during class schedule” – everyone does house chores. It’s good that you’re helping out but this does not qualify as it is not an emergency
▶ “I had errands to run.” – This does not count unless the errand is an emergency with supporting documents.
What are examples of proper supporting documentation?
These forms of documentation may be attached to letters of request for activities sent via email.
1️⃣ Medical notes on official letterhead and/or university memos.
▶ It must be signed by a licensed medical practitioner
▶ It must be on official letterhead from the medical clinic or hospital
▶ It must state that you were physically unable to attend the exam due to illness or injury; it cannot just say that “you saw them” or “just visited” (since this means nothing other than you walked through their front door)
▶ In the event you did not inform the instructor in advance of the exam, the medical documentation must state that you were incapacitated and unable to inform the instructor in advance.
2️⃣ For mental health concerns:
▶ Documentation must include consultation with the University guidance office
▶ It must state that you were unable to attend the exam or accomplish class activities due to your current status; it cannot just say that “you saw them” or “just visited” (since this means nothing other than you walked through their front door)
▶ The university guidance office staff may send details of your excuse and details of the schedule of your missed activities direct to my email,
2️⃣ Medical Certificate or Clearance (that you have not tested positive for COVID and that you are fit to attend classes especially face-to-face classes)
This may be requested from any of the following:
▶ Barangay Health Office (BHO)
▶ Municipal Health Office (MHO)
▶ City Health Office (CHO)
3️⃣ Power company announcement for emergency power interruptions + Proof of address
▶ Link to the power company’s official announcement (not repost or screencap or chat conversations)
▶ Identified schedule (date and time of power interruption)
▶ Place affected by power interruption
▶ Proof of address which includes your name and address (i.e. Your ID with address, or similar documents displaying your name and your address)
▶ Details of your subject and affected activities
4️⃣ Internet service provider announcements for emergency interruptions+ Proof of address
▶ Link to the internet service provider’s official announcement (not repost or screencap or chat conversations)
▶ Identified schedule (date and time of interruption)
▶ Place affected by internet connection failure
▶ Proof of address which includes your name and address (i.e. Your ID with address, or similar documents displaying your name and your address)
▶ Details of your subject and affected activities
5️⃣ Participation in UPang-related events and/or contests
Photo of the adviser’s letter which includes the following:
▶ Date when the letter is written
▶ Details of the event (ie. Name, Date, and Time)
▶ Your identified role in the event
▶ Details of about the affected subject (Subject Code, Block, and Description)
▶ Details of the affected class activity; if applicable (name of the missed activity and the date and schedule of the missed activity)
▶ Adviser’s name and signature at the bottom of the letter
▶ Valid ID of the adviser should be placed beside their signature on the letter for verification. Note: the signature on the letter should match the signature on the ID.
6️⃣ Participation in UPang-related or scholarship-related mass events or meetings
You may submit any of the following:
▶ Copy of Certificate of Participation in event
▶ Copy of Invitation to the Event with your name and event details visible
▶ Link to the announcement of event with your name and event details visible (such as FB post with list of scholars or participants identified)
▶ Other documentary proof that you are a legitimate and qualified participant of the event.
7️⃣ For late payments
You may submit any of the following:
▶ COM showing the balance for the identified grading period and proof of payment with the date of payment highlighted
▶ Indicate the date of the applicable exam or assessment for reference
7️⃣ For medical concerns (i.e. hospitalization, accidents, or similar incidents)
▶ Attach a medical certificate from a licensed professional with inclusive dates for verification
▶ No need to attach pictures of you or parts of your body in need of medical attention at the accident site, clinic, or hospital
8️⃣ Photo of Parent’s or guardian’s letter (handwritten by your parent/guardian; not you)
The letter should include:
▶ Date when the letter is written
▶ Details about the subject (Subject Code, Block, and Description)
▶ What is the request?
▶ Details of the affected class activity if applicable (name of the missed activity and the date and schedule of the missed activity)
▶ Reason for missing the activity or class schedule
▶ What measures are put in place to ensure that the student will be able to take future assessments/activities on time?
▶ Name, relationship (i.e. mother, father, aunt, brother, guardian, etc.) with the student, and signature of the person who wrote the letter at the bottom of the letter
▶ The valid ID of the parent/guardian should be placed beside their signature on the letter for verification. Note: the signature on the letter should match the signature on the ID.
9️⃣ For late enrollees:
▶ Printed ORF with date enrolled visible on the printout
When should I follow up on an email I’ve sent?
Emails are typically answered during the RC + IL schedule (Fridays and Saturdays).
If you’ve emailed outside of the work hours and the RC + IL schedule, wait for the next RC + IL schedule. Your faculty handler may also send you replies during your shift’s Face-to-face schedule.
Why is there no reply to my email yet?
Shift B's face-to-face schedule is on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Your professor may currently be attending classes onsite and may only be able to attend to your messages during breaks.
Shift B RC + IL schedule is set on Thursdays and Fridays. Your professor is going through the messages, emails, posts, and activities, and attending to the RC schedule of the classes. You may receive replies and feedback as soon as your professor is able to work on through the tasks of the day.
For messages and emails sent beyond the work hours of the F2F or RC+IL schedule, you may check replies or feedback during your next F2F or RC+IL schedule.
Should I send more than one copy of my email?
No need. One email is enough. Also, emails have their own notification systems. Sending multiple copies only creates spam.
Note that your professors are working on several tasks assigned by the university and are handling multiple classes within a semester. Expect 2-3 working days before sending in a follow-up email.
Should I send messages in the GC that I’ve sent an email?
No need. Emails have their own notification systems. Sending messages in the class GC such as “I’ve sent an email”, “May email po ako”, “Mam, email sent!” and similar messages only creates spam.
My email only contains an image. Is that okay?
In order for your concern to be addressed, you will need to provide complete details regarding your concern. If it is a class activity, include the subject code, description, schedule of the activity, the reason why you’ve missed the activity, measures to accomplish future activities on time as well as your specific request.
Subject lines in emails such as, “Excuse Letter”, “Letter”, “Concern”, or similar phrases are too broad and your concern may not immediately be addressed.
Furthermore, you’ll need to write your message. The recipient relies on the request written in the message and not on guesswork.
How to write an email subject line?
Email subject line should be clear and concise. If it’s too broad or lacks details, feedback and replies to your requests or concerns may take time.
Here are examples of subject lines for your email:
✔ Inquiry on [ title of inquiry ]
eg. Inquiry on ITE 123 Blk 1 Team Presentation
Inquiry on Submission of ITE 123 Blk 1 Days 1 & 2
✔ Request to [ title of request ]
eg. Request to reschedule ITE 123 Team Preseentation
✔ Completion Application - [Subject Code] [ Block ]
eg. Completion Application - ITE 123 Block 1
Here are examples of vague or unclear subject lines:
❌ Blank subject line (no idea what the email is about)
❌ Excuse or Excuse Letter or Concern
❌ ITE 123 (only the subject code without details)
❌ Score in P1 Quiz 1 (you’ll need to provide details on the subject)
How to write a formal email?
You may use the links below to help you in accomplishing the task.
How to Properly Write a Formal Email
You may also watch the video reference below to help you write your email:
What are the online communication platforms used in class?
The following are the common online platforms and their specific uses are used in class:
FB Group Chat (GC)
➡ for sending announcements and/or answering questions
UPang Email
➡ for sending formal email messages or queries
➡ available during your shift schedule and consultation schedules.
Google Classroom (GCR)
➡ for posting activities for classes classified as Connect, Coach, and Check
Other classes may also use other online platforms which may include but are not limited to:
⚫ Slack
⚫ Trello
⚫ Discord