What does "due" date and time in the Google Classroom mean?

Here are examples of what you see when working with Google Classroom activities.  Due Tomorrow 🔹   If there is no specified time, the assignment should be submitted by 11:59 PM the next day to avoid being marked late. Due Today 🔹 If there is no spec…

How do I know if my permit is already checked?

At the bottom of the permit post, you’ll be able to see a rubric button which you may expand for you to read the feedback for your submission. A sample of the rubric’s contents is as follows.

Why can’t I edit my submitted output?

To edit a currently submitted output, you will need to unsubmit, make your edits, and resubmit. Note that the time of submission for your activity will be the latest submission you’ve done. Check post-deadline and rubrics for activity posts.

How to view rubrics in Google Classroom?

At the bottom of an activity post such as SAS activity, you’ll see a button that says “Rubric: 1 criterion”. Click the button to expand and read the criteria for checking. If the activities have been checked and returned, the highlighted item shows …

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