What do We Need in Writing DigiArts Capstone Document?

This page will be updated to give you additional guides in writing your project document. 

Here's a template for you to get started: Capstone Project_IMRAD_Document Format

Your recommended GDrive Storage structure is as follows:

Google Drive Folder Structure

All files should be stored under a main project folder named:

📂 [YYYY]_[Project Name]_Capstone

Inside this, create the following main subfolders:

1. 📂 Project Documentation

📄 01_Proposal/ (Initial plans, pitch, timeline, requirements)

📄 02_IMRaD_Document/ (Final capstone document in IMRaD format)

📄 IMRaD_V1.docx (Initial draft)

📄 IMRaD_V2.docx (Second revision)

📄 Final_IMRaD.pdf (Final submission)

📄 03_References/ (Research papers, articles, and design inspirations)

2. 📂 Animation Preproduction

📄 01_Script/ (Script drafts and final script)

🎨 02_Storyboard/ (Panels, animatics, and shot descriptions)

🎭 03_Character_Design/ (Concept art, model sheets, turnarounds)

🏙 04_Environment_Design/ (Backgrounds, props, lighting plans)

🎤 05_Voiceover/ (Script for recording, raw and edited audio)

3. 📂 Animation Production

🎞 01_Scene_Files/ (Folder per scene with related assets)

🎞 S01/ (Scene 1 assets: PSDs, AI files, rigged models, etc.)

🎞 S02/ (Scene 2 assets, etc.)

🖌 02_Animation/ (Rough animation, cleaned animation, final renders)

🎼 03_Audio/ (Sound effects, music, and synced dialogue)

4. 📂 Post-Production

🎬 01_Compositing/ (Scene renders, VFX, final layering)

🔊 02_Sound Design/ (Final mixing of SFX, music, and dialogue)

🎥 03_Final_Export/

🎞 Final_Animated_Short.mp4

🎥 Final_Documentary_Behind_the_Scenes.mp4

5. 📂 Project Management

📊 Progress_Tracker_GSheet/ (Google Sheet dashboard tracking milestones)

📂 Team_Meetings/ (Meeting notes, schedules, task assignments)


Google Sheets – Progress Tracker & Dashboard

Use a Google Sheet as the main dashboard to track progress. Suggested sheet structure:

📌 Sheet 1: Dashboard (Main Overview)

Status Legend: ✅ Done, ⏳ In Progress, 🔴 Not Started

📌 Sheet 2: Scene Management

📌 Sheet 3: Asset Library


Version Control & Scene Management Guide

To maintain organized revisions and avoid overwriting files, follow these naming conventions:

🎞 Animation Scene Files

📂 02_Animation/



🎞 S01_CharacterWalkCycle_V1_20250225.blend (First version of walk cycle for Scene 1)

🎞 S01_CharacterWalkCycle_V2_20250227.blend (Updated version)

🎞 S01_FinalRender_20250301.mp4 (Final scene render)

🖌 Design & Asset Files

📂 Character_Design/



🎨 MainChar_HappyPose_V1.psd

🎨 MainChar_HappyPose_V2.psd

📂 Environment_Design/



🏙 Cafe_Exterior_V1.ai

🏙 Cafe_Exterior_Final.psd

🎤 Audio Files

📂 Voiceover/



🎤 MainChar_Line01_Take1.wav

🎤 MainChar_Line01_Final.wav

📂 Sound Effects/



🔊 Footsteps_Grass_V1.wav

🔊 Footsteps_Grass_Final.wav


File Management & Backup Tips

1. Use Google Drive Shortcuts for frequently accessed folders (e.g., shortcuts to Scene folders inside the Production folder).

2. Lock Final Versions: Once a file is approved, move it to a Final_Exports/ subfolder and lock editing access.

3. Keep Old Versions: Instead of overwriting, archive previous versions in a "Previous Versions" subfolder.

4. Weekly Backups: Assign a team member to create a weekly zipped backup of critical project files.

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