What are the steps for the application for Completion/Delayed Rating identified by the Registrar’s office?

 Steps for application for completion/delayed rating from the university registrar’s office:

  1. Fill out the registrar’s link for the online application for application

    (Link will be posted here when it is available)

    The registrar’s office has not yet provided the link. Proceed to Step 2.

  2. After filling up the form, the student should get in touch with their faculty handler to complete any missed requirements/exams.

  3. The program head/dean shall entertain completion for faculty members not anymore connected to the university.

  4. A student who gets an incomplete grade has two consecutive terms to complete it.

  5. The program head/dean will approve the granting of the completion grade.

  6. Failure to get a passing grade for an incomplete grade after the elapsed two terms means that the student will get a No Credit (NC) mark in the subject concerned.

  7. For Second Semester 2021-2022 incomplete grades, a corresponding completion fee shall be applied.

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