How to write an email subject line?
Email subject line should be clear and concise. If it’s too broad or lacks details, feedback and replies to your requests or concerns may take time.
Here are examples of subject lines for your email:
✔ Inquiry on [ title of inquiry ]
eg. Inquiry on ITE 123 Blk 1 Team Presentation
Inquiry on Submission of ITE 123 Blk 1 Days 1 & 2
✔ Request to [ title of request ]
eg. Request to reschedule ITE 123 Team Preseentation
✔ Completion Application - [Subject Code] [ Block ]
eg. Completion Application - ITE 123 Block 1
Here are examples of vague or unclear subject lines:
❌ Blank subject line (no idea what the email is about)
❌ Excuse or Excuse Letter or Concern
❌ ITE 123 (only the subject code without details)
❌ Score in P1 Quiz 1 (you’ll need to provide details on the subject)